Live at Saving Grace

Saving Grace is a safe & stable home for young women ages 18-25 who have aged out of foster care, or who are seeking an alternative to an unstable living situation. We’ve made it our mission to empower you with the relationships, skills, and resources that will help you create lasting change.

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Are you…

  • Female?

  • Between the ages of 18 and 25?

  • Single, and without children in your care? (You may still apply if you have children in another's custody/care)

  • Clean and sober and able to pass a drug screen? (60 days sobriety required)

  • Able to manage mental health issues with medication and outpatient counseling support?

  • Looking for an alternative to homelessness or unpredictability in your living situation?

  • Motivated and capable of learning necessary job skills that can be applied to the workforce? 

  • Focused on learning how to provide for your own needs while in the program and upon transition—without reliance on government assistance?

Did you answer "yes" to these questions?

If so, Saving Grace might be the right fit for you. Fill out our online admissions application to get the conversation started today. If you answered "no" to any of these questions, please visit our resources page for a list of other options in Northwest Arkansas.

Let’s get the conversation started.

Please provide as much information as possible about you! You can fill out the online form here, or print a copy to mail in or drop off at our office. Be sure to indicate the best way for us to get in touch with you, whether that's by text, call, or email.

After you submit your application, you'll hear from us within a couple of days. We'll reach out to you to start exploring the possibilities at Saving Grace and answer any questions you might have. In the meantime, please take a look at our social media pages and get to know us a little better. You'll find information about what life at Saving Grace is like, how our girls use their time at Saving Grace to be the best version of themselves, and what the benefits are to living life in a supportive community. We look forward to getting to know you!